Vegetable oil and Biodiesel wiki
Many aspects of making bio diesel and the equipment with which to produce it are potentially dangerous. By using this website, you agree that the site owners and contributors will not be held responsible for any loss, damage, injury, prosecution or inconvenience arising from the manufacture and use of bio diesel, associated equipment and chemicals.
Biodiesel pages
Pages related to production and use of biodiesel.
- Titration
- Making Methoxide
- Whole Batch Demeth
- Water Prewash
- Drying wet biodiesel
- Dry Washing
- Soap tests
General information
Vegetable oil pages
Pages related to running engines on vegetable oil.
- Contributions needed!
Common pages
Pages related to both disciplines.
- Rules and Regulations - a summary of EA and HMRC rules regarding oil collection and fuel duty, including how to fill in a Waste Transfer Note.