Just seemed to me as being another vague question by Julianf the like of which we see on the VOD all the time.
Why does he need to know why you need to know?? Hence the "FFS" post
No, to be precise, you posted it after my post in which i discussed Julian's electric fuel filter mod (which i was able to do *after* knowing why he needed to know).
I commented that, without a solenoid on the water feed, i did not think that the electric element could heat the fuel to the point of danger, as it would always be kept under control by the coolant flow. I later expanded on this by PM to include the comment that, after a long trip in a 100% stock car, most of the stuff under the bonnet was pretty hot anyhow, which would include the IP.
Anyhow, In follow up to Julian's initial question -
I commented on the other forum the other day that there are bosh spin on filters that are marked as 'heated' as opposed to standard. Someone mentioned that their (i assume) stock filter was breaking up at elevated temperature. This may be something to consider?
Nigel - you've had threads locked in the past for going after people. I'm well aware that I'm one of your current sources of 'entertainment', but, as I tend to find life easier if I keep away from people looking for trouble, I fully intend this to be my last post on the matter, no matter how many PM's you send me saying "Did you get my message Julian? Or do I need to send it again."