Cheers Julian, but it needs some editing. What I was trying to find was, which plugs could be run with an unpressurised tank, and which needed to be plumbed into the return.
I think the info is there, but its in German........
I will email a few more companys, and see if i can get more specific information out of them.
Plumbing them into the IP return sounds like an easy fix, but you'd have to have the engine turning over to get any fuel flow, which kind of defeats the object.
What about a little 12v peristaltic pump ... good pressure and very low flow.
It looks as though most standard fitment ones in modern road vehicles are plumbed into the return. I totally agree, it takes around six seconds for them to fire, but from what I can gleen, some of them have up to a two minute burn, once the engine starts. This is done automatically, the driver wouldn't even know its happening.
The problem we have is that they most likely wont run on veg, so need a seperate tank of dino. It does seem as though there are plugs that only need a small head to run. I'm trying to find out the model numbers from the manufacturers.
Whether or not they will run on bio, I don't know. I intend to build a rig to test one, maybe bring it to the BBB, or if I get my hands on some bio, i'll do it before then.
Does anyone know what pressure the return is. In the data I have been sent, it gives a fuel consumption rate at 1.2 bar, so it seems reasonable to assume that that is where they are design to run.
They give part numbers for bi metal controlled valves, and solenoid controlled valves. I'm pressuming that the solenoid controlled valves are the ones that will run without being pressurised. I've had to run the words through google translate, so something could be going missing in translation. I'll email Lucas and another company tomorrow. See if I can get more sense out of them.