Had a look at the .stl files and some of the parts are massive, at least in terms of home printing. One, 27159-02, I'd estimate at around 19 - 20hrs of printing and use 23 mtrs of filament including support material.
This and 27163-01 wouldn't even fit my build plate, so I'm afraid practical assistance is beyond my capabilities. Looking at some of the other files I notice they include toothed pulleys for timing belts. I'd strongly recommend if you go down this route, buy ready made aluminium items. I've bought many from ebay and Aliexpress, they are dirt cheap and way better quality than any you'd print.
I don't know what the cost of one of these actuators would be ... not insignificant I'd imagine with the lead screw and ball nut, aluminium extrusions and what looks to be servo motor with feed back loop plus a motor controller (not shown in drawings I looked at). Add to that the time and cost to print the other parts, remember there are many failed prints when playing with these machines ... bloody annoying when you been printing most of the day and it goes tits up right at the end!
Anyway, Alixepress offer several types of liner actuator. for example 12v, 600mm stroke, 500Kg (which I'm guessing it a little too high for your requirements) and 5mm/sec (which I'm guessing is a little too low for your requirements) circa GBP 80.00 delivered UK. There are many to sift through and you'll most likely find one better suited to your needs.
Probably not quite the answer you were hoping for, but I hope it helps.
PS If you go ahead with the project I'm sure many on here would love to see a thread on your progress.