Author Topic: Looking for a new car to run on bio  (Read 1614 times)

Offline PD1

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Looking for a new car to run on bio
« on: August 10, 2021, 09:07:46 AM »
Hi all I’m after a new car to run on bio  , I quite fancy something Like a BMW maybe a 3 series estate or an X3 , want an auto too , I’ve looked at the list but it seems to list cars up to year 2000 and not much newer , open to suggestions need one fairly soon as my bongo overheated on the way back from Wales!

Offline BANDIT2

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Re: Looking for a new car to run on bio
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2021, 04:58:53 PM »
I've just got myself a 2001 range rover P38. BMW straight 6 turbo diesel 2.5l automatic.
They practically never rust, spares are plentiful but they can be (will be?) An electrical nightmare. ECU's all over and more sensors/relays/fuses than you can shake a stick at.
Mines a bit of a project as it's been sat for 4 yrs and I'll always have a back up vehicle if it goes wrong.
Air suspension, leather heated seats, Aircon, leccy windows, sunroof, cruise control etc.
Low mpg  but i don't care about that.
Running [if I get enough veg] Defender 200TDI and Winnebago Lesharo (now gone)Range Rover P38 ,and a space heater on home made bio.

Offline BANDIT2

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Re: Looking for a new car to run on bio
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2021, 05:01:07 PM »
They'll run straight veg too.
I think Pete and nige(endorphin) have had them?
Running [if I get enough veg] Defender 200TDI and Winnebago Lesharo (now gone)Range Rover P38 ,and a space heater on home made bio.

Offline PD1

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Re: Looking for a new car to run on bio
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2021, 10:43:25 PM »
hi thanks for the reply , I have considered a P38 and have been into Land /Range rovers  in the past , certainly one to consider, good luck with your one
I've just got myself a 2001 range rover P38. BMW straight 6 turbo diesel 2.5l automatic.
They practically never rust, spares are plentiful but they can be (will be?) An electrical nightmare. ECU's all over and more sensors/relays/fuses than you can shake a stick at.
Mines a bit of a project as it's been sat for 4 yrs and I'll always have a back up vehicle if it goes wrong.
Air suspension, leather heated seats, Aircon, leccy windows, sunroof, cruise control etc.
Low mpg  but i don't care about that.