Author Topic: Water washing again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again.  (Read 10819 times)

Offline nigelb

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You deleted it before I replied. As well as being a bio guru are you a clairvoyant? How did you know I would misinterpret it?

Why don't you just explain what you intended to convey instead of all this mysterious & timewasting drama?

I'm neither a bio guru nor clairvoyant. I just had a feeling that misinterpretation would take place and I was proved to be correct. The search facility on this forum is pretty good and my methods are well documented. Four wash, wash cycles, backed up with titrated soap test results show how easy and effective water washing can be.

On the strength of these documented facts I assume that you have searched to see if there was a solution to your issues. I didn't take this into account when I posted but removed it once the "penny had dropped."

Unfortunately, I explained in the most simple terms I could.

Can I suggest you go back to the search facility where you'll find all the information you could ever want on water washing. Having done that there should be no further need for questions.

Time wasting drama? On the contrary.....adds to the spice of the forum me thinks