I would classify this ^^^ as a pass. It's not the clearest picture & looks clearer in real life. The picture above shows my latest batch after
8 water washes, 3 mist washes & 5 pump washes. I cannot understand why it requires so many washes. It takes an entire day to do 8 washes!
2 stage non tit, KOH & new meth from Basic. I pull 140 litres of oil from the top of an IBC. The IBC is topped up after each 140 lot has been removed & then left for at least three weeks. The feedstock is lightly used oil from high end gastro pubs that change their oil twice a week. My kids say it looks like runny honey.
This lengthy water washing has been going on for a while so I've been trying to fine tune the process. Assuming I've been overdosing, using
http://www.biopowered.co.uk/forum/tools/notitration.php this time the 1st stage was 15% by volume & 6 grms KOH. 25% drop out, using the no titration calculator I calculated the 2nd stage dose & then
reduced that by 10%.
100% crystal clear pass. Lovely, thinks I, this will be a breeze. I'll be done here in a couple, three hours.
8 washes later I have what I'd call a pass on the 50/50 test.
Why is it taking so many washes?