Hi folks,
My brother`s a star, he made a cone to fit on a 200 litre drum and welded it on for us, Pythagorus was a right clever bar steward

no honestly I got the information from journey to forever site and many thanks to them.
I made my first lot of bio with their guidance.
Turmeric is brilliant, a helluva lot cheaper and easier to get than ph meter also much easier to use, so you get the gold star for that one, cheers man, thanks
To mark out the plate I used a scrap piece of wood and drilled a 10mm hole at one end [ after marking out other points ] then then put plate on a pallet and drilled through plate and pallet, now put a 10mm drill in place as pivot and other holes use a 4mm drill and score the metal,next time we will paint the metal to get a better line
cheers folk`s