Sorry for my neglect of this thread...
I took the table apart this morning. The bays, felt, cues, balls, etc are in the back of my car, but i need to go back for the slate.
The slats is 1 3/4 thick (44mm ish) and in 6' x about 29" sections.
I just called up a local place to check what the cost would be to trim the slabs (ie get rid of the pockets, bolt holes, etc) and they quoted 25+vat per slab, or 35+vat if i wanted them with a 3mm radius on the edges.
Being the cheap skate that i am, im wondering what sort of a mess i might make of it with my husqvarna k750 -
(mine is far from shiny, but you get the idea)
Or, possibly, i should just cough up the pennies?