I realise ive been foolish -
For ages ive been thinking about putting a coil in my processor, to heat from water, without realising that the top of it would be large enough to 'wind in' a standard coil!
My processor tank looks like this (jules' photo, but mine is the same) -
ahh, ive just found another snap online of mine -
These are not the coils ill be using, but some like these -
The ones in the photo are ear-marked for my thermal store - for the bio tank, ill just use smooth ones out of standard hot water tanks.
Anyhow, the problem -
I can 'wind in' one of these coils through the top port on the reactor, having pre-drilled the ports on the side of the reactor to line up with the coil.
...but, because its a conical tank, there will be 50 ltrs or so below the level of the coil.
How do you think i should deal with this?
Possible options that spring to mind -
- Periodically pump with processor pump whilst heating (but my pump really doesnt like cold oil)
- Use air pump to gently mix, like nigeb's bubble washing tank
- Use another pump to mix
- Wrap the lower port of the reactor with 10mm pipe, externally
At the moment, im keen on the air pump idea, but id welcome any other suggestions?