There you go, found it ... it was Either Easyflo or Easyflo No 2, both by Johnson Matthey. Easyflo has a slightly higher silver content, flows better and is more expensive. Easyflo No 2 has less silver and hence a slightly lower melting point at around 610°C, is cheaper and will form fillets a bit better than Easyflo.
Both are ok on steel, stainless, brass and copper. Although they recommend a different flux for steel, I've never bothered and have not had any problems.
Ha, just checked JM website and both have been discontinued because they contained Cadmium, shows how old my books are!
The replacement for Easyflow 2 is Silver-flo 55, so I'd recommend that. Axminster do 1.5mm x 600mm for GBP 7.00 inc VAT. get them cheaper if you hunt around.
Pointed nose pliers were designed especially to stop you burning your fingers when silver soldering.
Pink processor ... wouldn't that be great?
Not sure about the VA, my daughter is due home some time in April after two and a half years travelling the Far East and whooping it up in Australia, so I don't want to miss the home coming. Just can't tie her down to any dates at the moment. If I go I'm a bit stuck for a partner, none of my mates are really into that sort of thing and any navigation by the wife culminates in a argument many miles from where we should be. That's why I'm so fond of the lady on my satnav!
There must be a macro setting, even my second hand manky old thing will do close ups. Try fiddling with a few buttons you haven't used previously ... always works for me!