In a small separating funnel I added 50 mls of my typically overused black pub oil. I added approx 5 mls of domestos and 5 mls of water. I shook it up for 10 mls at ambient temperature and left it to settle for a day. At this point it didn't look good, in fact a bit of a mess.
A wierd post I know but comments would be appreciated.
Not sure how you shake for 10 mls
Might be worth trying with smaller ration of bleach to oil allowing you to see how much is really needed. I thought that bleach itself only contains about 5g of sodium hypochlorite per 100ml (but it may vary). There is also a gelling agent in the thick bleach not sure if that could have a detrimental effect on the oil by leaving a residue, so might be worth trying a thin bleach.
I would try the above simple experiments before trying to scale up.
I suppose the biggest question might be is any chlorine left in the oil (does it chlorinate any of the oil) and what would be the consequences if it does? Pushing chlorine out the exhaust system might seriously shorten the exhaust life.
Very nice experiment though, keep up the good work