Excellent idea about the orifice plate b-r-t-p. I do have a venturi so maybe measuring the pressure each side of it would work.
Bob and Paul. many thanks for your offers, I would really appreciate having the units off of you so I have some options. That is most kind.
All of my pipe work is 1" BSP so Pauls sound ideal, not sure what size yours would be Bob (if you excuse the phrase!)
I already have a nice ajustable (1 to 12 seconds) time delay relay.
The idea will be that once the pump start button is pressed and released, the pump contactor will hold in for the period of the time delay (providing that the excess pressure sensor does not indicate a closed valve or blockage). If by the end of that period, the flow sensor has not indicated pump flow, the contactor will drop out and will stay so until the button is pushed again.
Keeping the start button pushed manually will over ride this feature allowing for manual clearing of a blocked pump or similar.
A second set of contacts on the relay controlled by the flow switch will also be the interlock to enable the heater to be energised only when flow is detected.