I had a problem on my previous Disco where the engine felt like it was missing, especially noticeable under load. The problem was cured by fitting a secondhand IP.
The same problem has manifested it's self on my current Disco. The first thing I did was to change the IP for a spare I had, but that failed to cure the problem. Since that time I have ... changed the filter, cleaned out the sedimenter, changed all the injectors for secondhand items, fitted a new head, valves and associated components, new push rods, 4 new rockers, one new lash cap, carefully set the tappets, checked the crank shaft pulley damper is OK and checked there's good pressure being produced by the lift pump.
Driving it recently, I've noticed that the problem gets worse the hotter the fuel/engine gets. I've made this heated filter to combat HMPEs ...
http://www.vegetableoildiesel.co.uk/forum/viewthread.php?tid=27774, so I can see the temperature of the fuel in the filter. Electrically it heats to between 25°C and 30°C. Running off the cooling system it rarely gets hotter than 40°C in operation, but after a hot engine has been switched off temperatures in the filter can rise to 65°C, presumably by thermal syphon from a hot engine.
From kind answers on the VOD and trawling the internet the temperatures to which I'm heating the fuel shouldn't be the cause of the problem, but I'm coming to the conclusion that the problem lies with the IP despite changing it.
I'm wondering if the change in fuel temperature from an ambient to running temperature would alter the viscosity of the fuel sufficiently to exasperate ware/damage in the IP, making the problem more noticeable.
Any diesel experts able to confirm?