The server is a dedicated linux box (carefully crafted for silence and low energy consumption) that has sat faithfully in the corner of our living room for many years. The downlink is 24mbps and uplink 1.3mbps (upgradable to 2.6mbps if required).
Only three people have ssh access at the moment, myself included - the other two are specific to an open source game I've contributed to, as the server is one of two master servers for it's worldwide network - as such they don't have perms to access web files/databases - though I would completely trust them even if they did - it's too valuable for the game network.
The only downtime it sees is for security patching and kernel updates, which I like to keep on top of.
For the purpose of backups I'd propose a SFTP login that could fetch a daily scripted backup of database and web files (so none of the wiki media files would be lost). This would allow it to be recreated by anyone that has access - or, ultimately, if it becomes too big for my connection, the move to a server farm with a bigger link - though obviously this would need funding somehow.
From me the big question is the need for a UK-centric biowiki given the existance of the biodieseltutorial material in the form of would be nice, however, to have somewhere to point to on vegetableoildiesel forums when someone says "what does x do?"