Author Topic: engine swap to run veg - which engine?  (Read 761 times)

Offline knighty

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engine swap to run veg - which engine?
« on: January 24, 2023, 03:13:22 AM »
thinking of a sprinter engine swap to run straight veg, don't need loads of power, 130hp stock is fine

I know the om606 is king - but how's the om605?  shorter engine will be an easier fit

which ones are best on veg?  what to look out for?

I never paid much attention to the merc engine threads because they didn't apply to me... I know some would suffer from ring gumming - which ones?

the van I'll swap it with does long trips every day, 100+ miles, do delivery then 100+ miles home

one day a week it does multidrop deliveries... but first delivery is 100+ miles away

twin tank was great when I was doing all the driving, all went to pot when other people drove :-(