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You've certainly grasped the basics, but like most things the to make quality biodiesel gets a little more complicated than that.
Many will advise not to filter oil before making bio. I think you taken things a little too far filtering to 1µ. The single most important aspect of making bio is to have dry oil. By starting with well settled, and reasonably filtered oil you are eliminating as many food particles as possible. These food particles can harbour water so they are best out of the way. Filtering, if you are going to the trouble of doing it, will be sufficient through a course weave fabric. This type of thing ...
http://www.biopowered.co.uk/wiki/Tips_and_wrinkles_1#Homemade_sock_filtersYou will will get a far more complete and quicker reaction if you heat the oil. 60° is generally accepted as a good temperature at which to process ... you don't mention reaction temperature in your post, but reacting at temperature should yield results in about an hour.
You catalyst figure is way too high. The generally accepted quantity for sodium hydroxide is 5g/ltr plus the titration value. See here for titration ...
http://www.biopowered.co.uk/wiki/Titration As has been said in posts above, you are obviously getting some degree of conversion if you have glycerin settling out, but from what you describe it's not likely to be a complete conversion. Try the 3/27 test suggested by knighty and once your bio passes that have a go at a 50/50 soap test ...
http://www.biopowered.co.uk/wiki/Soap_tests You will probably find this test difficult to pass due to the high level of catalyst you've used.
Are you are doing this as the Dr Pepper method ...
http://www.biopowered.co.uk/wiki/Making_a_test_batch_of_biodiesel_or_the_Dr_Pepper_method. If so it's all very good pratice for learning the process and understanding how things the reaction proceeds. As posts above, it may not be advisable to put this fuel in your car, nor produce bio in bulk by this method for safety reasons. Far better to build a SAFE processor, or get someone to build one for you. See processor designs on the wiki, this being the most popular and safest ...
DON'T even entertain any of the "processors" offered on auction sites, most are very dangerous. Many of the expensive, commercially built units, besides being grossly over priced, have numerous limitations and a few of those are dangerous too.
Keep reading the wiki, it's been put together by brewers with many years of experience and a broad spread of expertise. Once you've digested that, come back and ask about anything of which you are unsure, someone will always be pleased to help.