Yeh, No Problem,
Left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right.
I thought this was a place of sharing knowledge Jim.
I've only made a few cones - and none of big enough to fit a drum, but I can offer my observations from my efforts.
Be as accurate as you can in marking out and cutting.
When you start to bend the cone into shape, make sure you're bending along the cone's axis - bending a little out of the axis will make the cone go squiffy and it won't line up at the end.
Don't try to do it all in one go, bend slowly all the way along each time and slowly pull it into shape. Keep looking at it to make sure it's going the right way. It's easier to correct mistakes earlier on.
As soon as the ends are together, tack the top and bottom before tacking the middle and finally welding along the seam.