Author Topic: How to make your car go faster.  (Read 3662 times)

Offline julianf

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How to make your car go faster.
« on: January 14, 2014, 03:43:56 PM »
Ive been disappointed with the performance of our discovery ever since we purchased it.  Compared to the landrover 101, its always seemed gutless. 

Sure, the 101 has the hs2.8 fitted, against the disco's 300tdi, but its also a about 1 tonne heavier (or half as much again, whatever way you want to look at it!)

The fuel sender has been broken on the Discovery for ages.  Whilst it was out for repair, i chanced sticking my hand into the tank, to check there was nothing untoward in the depths, only to find about 1/4" of sediment, into which the spring loaded pickup was pressed!

I scooped out as much as convenient, and put the job back together.

The vehicle drives like a whole new car now!  Im right pleased : )

The discovery was purchased off another bio user, so, of course, im going to say "it was like that when i got it" ; ) but i doubt there has not been an increase over our ownership.

It has a more comprehensive lift and filter system than most (sedimenter, cam driven lift pump, filter, ip), and yet it was still an issue, despite never really having any issue with the filter itself.

Anyhow, this might be something other people here may want to check.

(If you think your fuel is perfect, just feel smug in that knowledge - there's no need to say as much here, is there? ; )
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Offline 1958steveflying

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Re: How to make your car go faster.
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2014, 04:03:41 PM »
Ive been disappointed with the performance of our discovery ever since we purchased it.  Compared to the landrover 101, its always seemed gutless. 

Sure, the 101 has the hs2.8 fitted, against the disco's 300tdi, but its also a about 1 tonne heavier (or half as much again, whatever way you want to look at it!)

The fuel sender has been broken on the Discovery for ages.  Whilst it was out for repair, i chanced sticking my hand into the tank, to check there was nothing untoward in the depths, only to find about 1/4" of sediment, into which the spring loaded pickup was pressed!

I scooped out as much as convenient, and put the job back together.

The vehicle drives like a whole new car now!  Im right pleased : )

The discovery was purchased off another bio user, so, of course, im going to say "it was like that when i got it" ; ) but i doubt there has not been an increase over our ownership.

It has a more comprehensive lift and filter system than most (sedimenter, cam driven lift pump, filter, ip), and yet it was still an issue, despite never really having any issue with the filter itself.

Anyhow, this might be something other people here may want to check.

(If you think your fuel is perfect, just feel smug in that knowledge - there's no need to say as much here, is there? ; )

Lol, It was gutless when I had it which is why I had done the mods and replaced the parts etc that I had. And when I bought it I wondered if it was going to get me home from Essex ! !  Perhaps I should have looked into the tank way back then. You never know it may well have been run on veg for years eh.

Offline julianf

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Re: How to make your car go faster.
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2014, 04:23:15 PM »
I remember mentioning something to julesntash shortly after we purchased it that its power was disappointing, compared to our 101, but i put it down to it just being the slightly different engine.  We both looked over it in Bob's (photomans) field that summer, changed the filters, sedimeter etc. but it made little difference, so, as i say, i just put it down to it being 2 tonnes of metal attached to a not especially powerful engine.

Cleaning the tank has made a lot of difference when cold also.  Its always 'bunny hopped' a little on very cold mornings until its got warm, but now, right from the off, its smooth.

Basically, as ive said above, its like a whole new motor, and im pretty pleased, considering ive been driving about in it for the past 18 months or so like it was.

I did not really look at what i pulled out of the tank - for all i know it could have been dino silt covered with a haze of glycerol.  I guess i should have looked closer, but, at that point, i wasnt thinking it would make much difference.

Anyhow, the point of my post was that, whilst there's a whole load of mention of people changing filters etc. there's not often mention of people cleaning out their tanks, and, possibly, its somthing more attention should be paid to?
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Re: How to make your car go faster.
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2014, 04:37:48 PM »
Previous owners fuel choice has been something I've been thinking about lately as I was looking through previous Mots I discovered smoke test results that could only have happened on veg/bio. So when it all blocks up solid it won't be my dodgy bio it'll be whoever ran veg before me.
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Offline 1958steveflying

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Re: How to make your car go faster.
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2014, 05:34:09 PM »
Glad it's performing how you would like it now. I hated it all the time I owned it which is ultimately why I cut my losses (which you know were substantial lol)
Had it not been gutless and juicy I probably would have welded it up myself but hey ho.

Didn't the tank have to come out to put a new boot floor in ?

Offline julianf

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Re: How to make your car go faster.
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2014, 06:45:19 PM »
Nope, did all the boot floor from above.  I cant recall if there was even any cutting directly above the tank, but i purchased one of those spot weld bits (like an end mill) and theyre fairly controllable for working above other bits (that you dont want to put holes in!)

On this latest thing, when i first took a look at the top of the sender, the balls of rust around the locking nuts were a sure indication that noone had been in there in some time.  The first time i looked, i wire brushed them, wd40'd them, and put the access panel back in place for another day.

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Offline Rotary-Motion

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Re: How to make your car go faster.
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2014, 08:08:16 PM »
nice one JF
