Author Topic: Previous add  (Read 3750 times)

Offline oojimmyflip

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Previous add
« on: April 27, 2014, 02:23:33 PM »

it is some time since I have posted on the forum and so long in fact that the forum looked completely different to how it does now, I am surprised that it even remembered my username.

right to my point, about a year ago I decided to give up on cleaning WVO and running my bosch pumped citroen xantia as new oil at £1 a litre was becoming more attractive that cleaning it, my oil collections were also reducing dramatically and everybody around here wanted as much money for old oil as the cost of new oil if purchased in bulk.

I also found out that I had cataracts in both eyes and consequently I went very blind over a period of about 12 months before I could have the operations to fix my eyes.

I announced that I was giving up filtering WVO passed the last remaining oil collection to one of you in the local area and placed an add on the old website saying that I was thinking of giving up and that I was looking for £50 for the old filtering system, this struck up a dialog with someone on the forum who was interested but my Blindness was getting significantly worse week by week and we lost touch simply because I couldn't see the computer or even a phone any more. I even had to stop driving for a while. I have now had the operations to replace my lenses and I see again.

The system comprises of 2 x 205 litre insulated drums one is a relatively new clip top and the second drum has a custom made wooden lid, both with 3kw elements five filters, which will probably need new filter cartridges by now 22mm copper piping and a Tam 105 pump and all the necessary 22mm valves.
The whole lot sits on two 7ft pallets which have been reduced in width by using the slats to fill in the gaps, which allows the drums to be drained from time to time.

I did say I was thinking of giving up at the time and the person that contacted me seemed a bit eager, but if you would like to contact me again if your still interested I am sure now that I have my eyesight back again we can sort something out.

I also have 100 litres of solids available if anyone wants them for making Bio. failing that I just hope that local tip will take it.

Ideally I would appreciate a bit of time to clean out the filter housings and clean up the system a bit before letting it go approximately 1 week, there is still about 100 litres of good filtered oil in drum 2 waiting to be drained off that will be going with the system. I shall also need to drain the dregs from the bottom of the drums to.

After that stage two will be to sell off my 5.5kw elecy start Kapor generator which has only seen 25 hours use in total and has a flexible stainless steel exhaust, is enclosed in a foam box with intake and extractor fans around it and it is also sitting on a floating platform to reduce diesel thud.
I'm looking for £500 though as I have my eye on a much smaller machine.

The kipor genny will need at least four people to lift it onto a trailer or into a van, there are big handles at either end of the genny enclosure. a block an tackle might pull it up a tipping trailer if secured to a tow bar. the genny is very heavy. it also has to be put back on its wheels as they were removed to install it onto a floating platform. The platform is also on castors so that it can be moved to change the air filter.
 I got it home on one of the small Halfords trailers with a sheet of plywood in the bottom and I used a couple of car transporter straps to hold it down. I am incapable of lifting it anymore owning to a hernia I got lifting snooker tables at the corners to level them with beer mats in my job.

 An Extra special thanks to everyone that has helped me along the way with filtering oil over the past few years, the time spent on filtering oil is now being wasted on tinkering with a 2cv instead.

I am based in Kettering Northants just off Junction 9 of the A14.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 02:27:10 PM by oojimmyflip »
Citroen Xantia S2 running on filtered wvo approxamately 4 years until ECU played up now running 50/50 dino/veg

Offline Julian

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Re: Previous add
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2014, 04:05:35 PM »
Welcome back.  Great news the cataracts are sorted ... it must have been a pretty scary time.
Used Cooking Oil Collection website ...

Offline oojimmyflip

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Re: Previous add
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2014, 12:59:49 PM »
Yes Thanks Julian,

the second op was a breeze all you see are three little bright lights no scalpel or anything untoward
the most harrowing part is the injections they give you in the back of the eye socket to numb the eye ball.
They wanted to warn me of the possible side effects but I didn't want to know besides I have already watched the operation quite a few times on you -tube when it was first diagnosed.
I felt a bit stupid being the youngest person in there though as most people needing the op were well over 60.
oh well that's diabetes for you.
If anyone needs it done just go for it. if you don't have it done
there is only one certainty the cataracts will make you totally blind eventually. two seperate operations taking around 30mins each three months apart, when you open your eye for the first time everything will be so bright every object even a blade of grass will look like it is flood lit from all sides and it takes the back of the eye time to realise that the image is to bright and adjust the image accordingly a few days for normal vision to return. if you go private they will put in bi-focal lenses but if you go with the NHS they will only put in long distance vision lenses and you will need glasses for reading. you won't be able to drive for at least 6 weeks and no heavy lifting or bending down to tie your shoes as the lenses can be misaligned, after the op if you lift a six pint bottle of milk you can feel the pressure building in your eye ball when you lift it, not good. they will give you an eye guard which you will need to wear at night for two weeks because you can rub your eyes at night un-consciously and move the new lens out of position, there are no second chances the new lens is mechanically attached to the eye and cannot be replaced so it is best to follow the rules and just behave for a few weeks. I had to find a way to get onto the Pirate bay and download movies as I was so bored and the ISP's block the site  these days apparently typing pirate proxy and clicking on PBPL pirate bay proxy list   takes you there via a proxy address site and it is no longer blocked the proxy address changes every time you visit. I'm not saying its right or legal but when your bored out of your mind its something to keep you going and HD images are amazing after the op's.
Citroen Xantia S2 running on filtered wvo approxamately 4 years until ECU played up now running 50/50 dino/veg