From the VOD
Why was/am I 'banned'?
Went to my wife's cafe yesterday for a nice latte and a bun.
She has free wi-fi there coutesy of a Three mi-fi dongle. I connected, then navigated to this forum only to be greeted with the 'you've been banned' message. I turnioed off the wi-fi then connected via vodafone, and it was fine.
What does this forum have against the three network?
Scottydog has the same problem at the moment,comes up banned,hes been told today all 3 dongles have been banned and its his only means of internet access
[Edited on 13-11-2011 by K.H]
Originally posted by Rotary-Motion
wildcards were used i think due to a user being banned which caused a certain range of IP addresses being banned, for the most part the 3 dongles use these, you can try powering down and try a get a new IP as there be dynamic and not static.
the problem is known and i will ask if anythings been done...
for a quick fix use and anonimiser to hide your IP's for now.